Roni Dot

Bittersweet mix of pensive, sometimes existential lyrics with light pop melodies

Roni Dot would have loved to be born in a different decade. Raised in a musical family near Tel Aviv, she longed for the synthpop of the 80's or the Chansons of Paris. These stylish old-school inspirations are well reflected in her live performance and indiepop theatrical sound. The ability to combine pensive, sometimes existential lyrics with light pop melodies can also define Roni Dot's bittersweet style.

Being an enthusiastic environment supporter, Dot tries to find ways to connect creation and action. During the Corona crisis she initiated and produced a unique project featuring 33 vegan musicians from all around the world singing a cover version of Bob Dylan's "Times they are a changing".The project was meant to raise attention to climate change and the human contribution to it, and received much media attention including TV interviews, radio plays and blog features.

Studio releases: "Flamingo pink" (Due for release 2023),"What may come" (2017), "Roni Dot" (2013 EP)

Roni - Lead Vox, computer+MPK MIDI controller
David - Bvox, NORD keyboard
Marcello - Bvox, SPD electronic drum pads


Do 4.7. | 20 Uhr
Einlass ab 19:30 Uhr

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© Ella Barak
© Maarten Ederveen
© Ella Barak